Home of WSCG conferences since 1992
Journal of WSCG and recent proceedings
Recent Keynote speakers
Have a look at
Pilsen - The European Capital of Culture 2015 Pilsen City info
The Czech Republic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLzKrofyrtM [4 mins.]
Castles, Manors, Cities, etc. http://www.zamky-hrady.cz/index-e.htm
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33. International Conference in Central Europe on
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2025
to be held in HYBRID mode, but physical attendance is preferred
In cooperation with the Eurographics Association, ACM and SIGGRAPH listed
Supported by
University of West Bohemia, IFIP TC5 WG 5.10 and NVIDIA (Czech Rep.)
Pilsen (close to Prague), Czech Republic
26 - 29 May 2025
Primavera Hotel & Congress Center, Pilsen (Plzen), Czech Republic
Conference Chair
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Conference Co-Chair
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, University of Geneva/MIRALab, Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Hon. Causa, U. of Ottawa, and U. of Hannover
Keynote speakers
Gianmarco Cherchi, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
Robust Hexahedral Meshing with Grid-based Approaches - Abstract
Other agreements pending
- Read the Author's instructions
- Submission server - http://wscgreg.zcu.cz
- Important dates - see below
- If interested - register your data to be kept informed. with the submission server:
- The submission server is working correctly.
- The submission server is temporarily closed due to an attack, our apologies,
please, send your contact to the conference office at WSCGconf@gmail.com, and we will contact you. - Paper submission open on [2024-10-05] - http://wscgreg.zcu.cz
- IPC members and Board of Reviewers - please, see CSRN and Journal of WSCG from last year
in the digital repository - the lists are finalized after the conference.
The WSCG 2025 conference
- Physical attendance is preferred.
- Online presentation is possible, especially for participants from distant countries
[Asia, Africa, Australia, South America] - online paper presentation is mandatory. - Opportunity to organize symposia and workshops on the site and via video-conferencing.
Accepted and presented papers with individual DOI will be published in:
- Journal of WSCG, ISSN 1213-6972 - the best selected papers
- Computer Science Research Notes (CSRN), ISSN 2464-4617 - as the conference proceedings
Both will be sent for indexing WoS/ISI/Clarivate, Scopus, EI Compendex, Google Scholar, and other prestigious indexes.
Help us as a WSCG REVIEWER (PhD REQUIRED or research record)
Register yourself at https://wscgreg.zcu.cz first, and then login again and check your data
AND send an email to WSCGconf@gmail.com with the subject: "WSCG reviewer" and include in the message
(use ";" as a separator - ALL in one line )
First (Given) name;Last (Family) name;email address;ORCID;Research ID [Web of Science/ISI];Scopus Author ID;URL of your research WEB page
>> ORCID list of publications MUST be open to the public (conf. office evaluates it).
How to prepare a review
- Please, read the instructions at
- Read How to get your paper accepted and the Instructions for Authors page.
- Abstract and paper submission only via https://wscgreg.zcu.cz .
no e-mail paper submission will be accepted. - Anonymous and affiliated FULL paper versions (no extended abstract)
with the Copyright Transfer Form (CTF)
It MUST be submitted before the submission date. - "Pay to publish" strategy submission is NOT acceptable; the not-presented paper will not be published.
- All co-authors MUST be registered with the WSCG submission server with a VALID email.
- At least one author has to present the paper online at the conference.
Journal of WSCG and Computer Science Research Notes [CSRN]
will be produced AFTER the conference.
Important Dates
Workshop or special session proposal | December 10, 2024 (acceptance decision by January 10, 2025) via e-mail to WSCGconf@gmail.com subj."WSCG workshop - proposed name" |
Submissions via server ONLY Abstract submission |
https://wscgreg.zcu.cz |
Submissions via server ONLY by 21:00 GMT(London, U.K.) Paper submission (formatted full text) Via submission server ONLY |
February 28 2025 - Full (20 mins.), Short (15 mins.) papers |
Acceptance decision (expected) | March 30, 2025 |
Final version submission |
April 15, 2025 |
Conference fee payment |
April 30, 2025 - via bank transfer |
Venue |
May 26, 2025 - late afternoon registration only
* Poster MUST be presented orally - in the presence or online.
Main topics (but not limited to)
All papers accepted and presented will be available online at the WSCG WEB site with no access restriction [http://wscg.zcu.cz/DL/wscg_DL.htm].
Accepted and presented full, communication, short papers and posters will be published in the
Computer Science Research Notes {CSRN] and in Journal of WSCG proceedings with ISSN in an electronic form
after the conference and will be available from the WSCG site (http://www.wscg.eu) for download - access free.
All papers will receive individual DOI.
The best-selected papers will be published in the regular Journal of WSCG
(see http://www.WSCG.eu => Digital Library or http://wscg.zcu.cz/DL/wscg_DL.htm).
- Journal of WSCG [ISSN 1213-6980 (online), ISSN 1213-6972 (hardcopy), ISSN 1213-6964 (CD version)]
- WSCG proceedings within the Computer Science Research Notes (CSRN) series [ISSN 2464-4617]
after assigning individual DOIs, papers will be sent for indexing to Tompson Reuters/WoS-ISI, SCOPUS, INSPEC
and others for citation indexing and other purposes.
Workshops and Special Sessions
Session: Research Activities and Research Funding
The session aims to put together people interested in common research activities leading to the submission of grant proposals to the European Union and NSF (US) or other granting bodies. It would be reasonable to know where to apply and what project profile would suit, including a suggestion of the submitting (main leader) institution.
Propose your workshop / special session
Send proposal to: WSCGconf@gmail.com Subj. WSCG workshop
Submission should contain: Proposer(s) name, affiliation(s), Workshop/Session title, short abstract (max. 250 words) with the motivation and list of related fields (max. 5 keywords), estimated number (but not overestimated) of papers.
Organizers (together) can have up to 3 papers within the workshop or 2 papers within the session submissions, but the IPC might require their independent evaluation.
The workshop/session organizer is responsible for collecting papers and papers reviewing and accepting decisions. The IPC will have the right to decide whether to accept the final version of the publication. The minimum number of presented papers in a session is 5, for a workshop, the minimum number of presented papers is 8 up to 10.
Workshops already proposed and accepted for the WSCG 2025 conference:
- to be updated soon
- recent WSCG - http://wscg.zcu.cz/wscg2024/Workshops/Workshops.htm
Additional information
Travelling Instructions (to be updated) |
How to get your paper accepted | IPC members&Board of Reviewers (After the reviewing period) |
Check the correctness of your @mail and operating system settings |
Form for VISA Application Support (not valid) |
Czech/EU VISA Application information of Foreign Affairs |
Supporting organizations |
University of West Bohemia |
NVIDIA, Czech Republic |
Center of Computer Graphics and Visualization, |
Acceptance ratio
Papers submitted |
Reviewed after desktop reject |
Full papers includes J WSCG |
Short papers | Posters | |
2020 | 96 | 77 | 45 | 0 | 0 |
[%] |
Ratio |
80,2% | 46,9% | 0% | 0% |
2019 | 127 | 94 | 38 | 10 | 1 |
[%] | Ratio | 74,0% | 29,9% | 7,9% | 0,8% |
2018 | 148 | 101 | 24 | 24 | 12 |
[%] | Ratio | 68,2% | 16,2% | 16,2% | 8,1% |
2017 | 135 | 102 | 34 | 47 | 19 |
[%] | Ratio | 75,6% | 25,2% | 34,8% | 14,1% |
2016 | 163 | 149 | 20 | 47 | 26 |
[%] | Ratio | 91,4% | 12,3% | 28,8% | 16,0% |
WSCG Accommodation Booking - recommended
to be updated
Primavera Hotel & Congress Centre (venue place)
- Send email request to: info@primaverahotel.cz
and USE in the subject WSCG Booking !! IMPORTANT
Special offer for WSCG 2024 attendees
- Single Standard:
- Single Superior:
- Double Standard:
- Double Superior:
The price per room / night incl. buffet breakfast, VAT and local fees.
The payment: cash or by credit card.
For guarantee of the reservation we need the credit card details and expiration date. If we do not receive any guarantee of your reservation,
note that your reservation can be canceled by the hotel.
The hotel can send a proforma invoice as well.
Cancellation conditions:
- 30 days and more before arrival – no charges
- 29 - 15 days before arrival – 20 % from the price of cancelled rooms
- 14 – 5 days before arrival – 50 % from the price of cancelled rooms
- 4 – 0 days before arrival, no-show – 100 % from the price of cancelled rooms
We recommend that you select Primavera Hotel &Congress Center.
The hotel is near a public transport trolleybus No.13 and No.10 stops.
Trolleybus stop name BRUCNA
10 mins. from/to the City center.
Plzen [Pilsen] public transport scheme:
Please, see the Travelling instructions - how to reach the hotel or Primavera-MAP
Primavera Hotel and Congress Centrum
Nepomucka 1058/128
CZ 326 00 Plzen
Tel.: +420-378 020 500
Fax: +420-378 020 501
GSM: +420-603 113 853
- Conference dinner is to be held (expected) on Wednesday 28, 2025
(not included in the conference fee). - Dinner tickets are available at the registration at a "symbolic" donated price of approx. 10-15 EUR,
accompanying person 15-20 EUR.
To be ordered at the registration desk on Monday or Tuesday but BEFORE 10:00 morning - The raffle (tombola), where you can win valuable gifts, is a traditional part of this event.
Recommended activities before/after the conference
Plzen city offers many very historical places and opportunities to visit
- Guided tour to Pilsen Urquell Brewery and to the Brewery Museum
- Climbing to Plzen St.Bartholomew's Church tower
- ZOO and Botanical garden
- Prepare your personal tour - self-guided tour
or you can spent additional days visiting (all places are easy to reach by coaches - approx. 60 mins.):
- Discover Castles, Manors, Cities etc. http://www.zamky-hrady.cz/index-e.htm
- Karlovy Vary (Carls Bad) - a famous spa in the Czech Republic (direct bus connection - 60 mins.)
- Marianske Lazne (Marien Bad) - a famous spa in the Czech Republic - (direct train connection 40 mins.)
- Praha [Prague] - the Golden City of Europe (direct connection to Zlicin bus station - 60 mins. + 20 mins. METRO to the city center)
- Karlstejn Castle - the famous castle close to Pilsen and Prague (direct train connection to Beroun and then local train - 60 mins. in total - buy a ticket for the castle tour in advance). See also additional info WiKi
- Plasy Monastery
Conference office |
Organiser & Chair |
All WSCG proceedings are available via
http://www.wscg.eu => Digital repository since 1992
WSCG 2024
32. International Conference in Central Europe on
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2024
In cooperation with the Eurographics Association, ACM and SIGGRAPH listed
Supported by
University of West Bohemia, IFIP TC5 WG 5.10 and NVIDIA (Czech Rep.)
Pilsen (close to Prague), Czech Republic, June 3-6, 2024 (expected)
Primavera Hotel & Congress Center, Pilsen (Plzen), Czech Republic
Conference Chair
Vaclav Skala [0000-0001-8886-4281]
c/o University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Conference Co-Chairs
Burkhard Wunsche, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Samsul,A.A. Karim, University Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Tanupriya Choudhury, University of Petroleum and Energy, Dehradun, India
Keynote speakers
Marina L. Gavrilova. Biometric Technologies Laboratory & The SPARCS Laboratory
University of Calgary, Canada
WSCG 2023 video -
wscg.zcu.cz/wscg2023/Records/wscg2023.MOV - download and play
WSCG 2023
31. International Conference in Central Europe on
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2023
Greetings of WSCG 2023 attendee - video
(copy the address to your browser)
Pilsen (close to Prague), Czech Republic, May 15-19, 2023
Primavera Congress Center, Pilsen (Plzen), Czech Republic
Conference Chair
Vaclav Skala, c/o University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Keynote speakers
Sudhanshu Kumar Semwal: Raytracing Renaissance: An elegant framework for modeling light at Multiple Scales
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS), USA
Werner Benger: Illustrating Geometric Algebra and Differential Geometry in 5D Color Space
AirborneHydroMapping GmbH, Austria, Louisiana State University, USA
WSCG 2022
30. International Conference in Central Europe on
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2022
Due to CoVid situation the event was held using video-conferencing
Conference Chair
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Conference papers [PDF] & BibTex records
- http://wscg.zcu.cz/WSCG2022/2022-WSCG-Papers-Separated.html
- BibTex records: http://wscg.zcu.cz/WSCG2022/BibTex-RECORDS.txt
Papers published in the Journal of WSCG and in the Computer Science Research Notes (CSRN) are available via WSCG Digital repository:
WSCG 2021
29. International Conference in Central Europe on
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2021
Due to CoVid situation the event was held using video-conferencing
Conference Chair
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Conference papers [PDF]
Papers published in the Journal of WSCG and in the Computer Science Research Notes (CSRN) are available via WSCG Digital repository:
WSCG 2020
28. International Conference in Central Europe on
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2020
Due to CoVid situation the event was held using video-conferencing
Conference Chair
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Conference schedule with presentations and papers [PDF]
Papers published in the Journal of WSCG and in the Computer Science Research Notes (CSRN) are available via WSCG Digital repository:
WSCG 2019
27. International Conference in Central Europe on
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2019
Conference Chair
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
WSCG 2019 Attendees (click on for full resolution)
Greetings of the WSCG 2019 attendee - video [131 MB]
Papers published in the Journal of WSCG and in the Computer Science Research Notes (CSRN) are available via WSCG Digital repository:
WSCG 2018
26. International Conference in Central Europe on
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2018
Conference Chair
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Keynote talk
Faramarz Samavati: From Geometric Modeling to Digital Earth, University of Calgary, Canada
WSCG 2018 Attendees (click on for full resolution)
Greetings of the WSCG 2018 attendee - video [108 MB]
Photos for download & Courtesy of
Vaclav Skala (soon) |
Conference Session Chairs
Francisco Feito, Alexandar Rikalovic, Alexandre Benoit, Jonathan Metzgar, Pavel Vlasanek, Tapio Takala, Markus Friedrich, Alvin Jude, Joel Ilao, Michal Smolik, Vaclav Skala, Faramaz Samavati, Sidonia Lefkovits, Anders Hast
Papers published in the Journal of WSCG and in the Computer Science Research Notes (CSRN) are available via WSCG Digital repository:
WSCG 2017
25. International Conference in Central Europe on
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2017
Conference Co-Chairs
Paul Bourke, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Keynote speaker
Alexandru C. Telea: Image-based information visualization (or how to unify SciVis and InfoVis)
Institute Johann Bernoulli, Univ. of Groningen, The Netherlands
WSCG 2017 Attendees
Greetings of the WSCG attendee - video [207 MB]
Photos - WSCG2017, Dinner, Trip to Prague [572 MB]
Acceptance ratio 2017
Submitted: 161 (after "desktop" rejection)
Accepted: Full papers (incl. Journal of WSCG): 34 ( 21,1%), Short papers: 47 (14.9%), Posters: 19 (11.8%)
Papers published in the Journal of WSCG and in the Computer Science Research Notes (CSRN) are available via WSCG Digital repository:
WSCG 2016
24. International Conference in Central Europe on
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2016
GraVisMa 2016 and HCI-Europe 2016 were part of the WSCG 2016
Conference Co-chairs
Zhigeng Pan, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, China
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Acceptance ratio
Submitted: 149 (after "desktop" rejection)
Accepted: Full papers (incl. Journal of WSCG): 20, Short papers: 47, Posters: 26
WSCG 2016 Attendees
Greetings of the WSCG attendee - video [150MB]
Photos and Videos WSCG 2016 & Trip to Prague - ZIPed [1.1 GB]
Plzen City Grand Tour - HTM format
WSCG 2015
23. International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2015
Conference Co-Chairs
Marina L. Gavrilova, University of Calgary, Canada
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Keynote speakers
Marina L. Gavrilova, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, University of Calgary, Canada
Full papers acceptance ratio 33,81%
WSCG 2015 Attendees
WSCG 2014
22. International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision
Keynote speakers
Manuel M.Oliveira: Performing High-Dimensional Filtering in Low-Dimensional Spaces, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Tino Weinkauf: Flow maps - Benefits, Problems, Future Research, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrucken, Germany
Brian A. Barsky: Simulating Human Vision and Correcting Visual Aberrations with Computational Light Field Displays, University of California, Berkeley
NO RECORD [not recorded]
CLICK ON to download image in FULL resolution
WSCG 2014 Photos |
WSCG 2014 - 1 |
WSCG 2014 - 2 [ZIP 347 KB] |
WSCG 2014 - 3 [ZIP 348 KB] |
WSCG 2014 - 4 [ZIP 353 KB] |
WSCG 2014 - 5 [ZIP 506KB] |
WSCG 2013
21. International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2013

CLICK ON to download image in FULL resolution
WSCG 2013 Photos |
Photo-set-1 [280MB] | Photo-set-2 [491MB] | Photo-set-3 [296MB] |
Additional photos made by attendees
Yu Weng | WSCG1 [16.1 MB] | WSCG2 [15.5MB] | WSCG3 [11.6MB] |